How businesses in shopify are profiting from this digital platform transformation?
“Shopify” by Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine is marked with CC0 1.0. As a relatively modern e-commerce service platform, shopify is utilised by a large number of…
“Shopify” by Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine is marked with CC0 1.0. As a relatively modern e-commerce service platform, shopify is utilised by a large number of…
Big Data Monitoring The practice of big data monitoring involves the analysis and comprehension of the online activities and behaviors exhibited by visitors. This term…
“Decentralised networks and production have the potential to democratise markets by diluting centralised power and enabling the flourishing of numerous smaller actors.”
Engine algorithms are often relied upon to improve decision-making efficiency and objectivity. However, systematic social biases are found in the output of these algorithms. Gender…
“Diverse people using phones” by Rawpixel Ltd is licensed under CC BY 2.0. In the wake of the profound societal changes ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic, the…
Group member: Kiki, Carina, Novem The sharing economy, often known as the “sharing platform economy,” is a disruptive departure from conventional business models. It empowers…
Group members: Ximan YAN/Yuetong TIAN/Daphne Ye/Yichen Yao What is the commercialisation of the Internet? Commercialisation is a process that can be used to sell a…