XiaoHongShu (Little Book)——Marking your life

TOPIC: Social Media Little Red Book

File:XiaohongshuLOGO.png” by xiaohongshu is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


Xiaohongshu is a “community and e-commerce” Chinese platform focusing on lifestyle sharing. Users publish and share selected content on beauty, fashion, life and shopping experiences on the platform. Among them, female users account for as high as 80%. On Xiaohongshu, users can discover new products, learn real product reviews, and gain shopping experience and strategies.Now Xiaohongshu has become one of the fastest growing social e-commerce applications in China and is deeply favored by young Chinese users.The founders of Xiaohongshu are Mao Wenchao and Qu Fang. On February 7, 2023, Xiaohongshu officially announced that the web version of Xiaohongshu was launched. On October 31, Xiaohongshu’s e-commerce platform “Little Oasis” will officially close.

Figure 1. firstcom academy (https://www.fca.edu.sg/blog/what-is-xiao-hong-shu-how-to-use-xiaohongshu/

·Why is Xiaohongshu so successful?

1. Unique social e-commerce model:

In the early days, Xiaohongshu combined “social networking” and “e-commerce” and innovatively connected “good product sharing” and “purchasing behavior”. Users can discover their favorite products through interactive behaviors such as recommendations, likes, and comments in the community. , while achieving one-stop purchasing. This social e-commerce model was not common in China before, so it had a great advantage in Xiaohongshu’s initial development.

2. Accurate target user positioning:

In the early days, Xiaohongshu targeted young urban women, focusing on cosmetics, fashion, life and other aspects of content, and quickly formed an active and independent user group. By in-depth understanding of target users’ needs, hobbies, consumption habits, etc., Xiaohongshu can provide more accurate product recommendations and user experience, thereby winning users’ trust and reputation.

3.Excellent content ecological construction:

For Xiaohongshu, it is necessary to pay attention to and improve the quality and content diversity of content. Users edit high-quality content through their own operations and some professional team operations to build a rich and high-quality content ecosystem, making Xiaohongshu Red Book becomes more high quality. Users can see the latest beauty, fashion, travel and other information on the platform, and interact with other users through friends’ recommendations and sharing, which greatly enhances user stickiness and provides strong support for e-commerce conversions. 

4. Strong community building and operation:

For any platform, good operation and community construction are important guarantees for development, and the same is true for Xiaohongshu. Only with guarantees can the platform develop better, so both of them are important to Xiaohongshu. It is indispensable. On the one hand, the platform understands the needs and wants of users by analyzing user data, sending questionnaires to user surveys, etc., and adjusts product strategies and operating strategies in a timely manner; on the other hand, it enhances the platform through activities, benefits, rankings, etc. User activity and stickiness make it more popular on the same platform, and its indicators are getting higher and higher. This refined operation method not only improves the user satisfaction of the platform, but also promotes the commercial value of the platform.

5. Accurate advertising delivery:

Xiaohongshu uses user data analysis, such as the type and content of posts that users frequently browse, and AI technology to achieve precise advertising, making advertising more effective and allowing users to see it on the homepage with little need to search. Content that interests you. Another more user-friendly feature of Xiaohongshu is that you can increase or decrease the frequency of posts appearing on the homepage by clicking “Interested” and “Not Interested.”

Figure 2. homepage of Red, by screenshot.

·The advantage of Xiaohongshu and other promotional platforms is that:

1. The quality of users is high, but there are few levers.

Relatively speaking, users on Xiaohongshu have a broader perspective and treat many opinion-sharing topics. Generally speaking, their responses and attitudes are harmonious and nice, and there are not many messy and unnice messages on other platforms. For example, there are many bloggers abroad who are relatively tolerant of international topics. The overall atmosphere among users is good, and it also promotes higher requirements for content.

2. Strong inclusiveness

Compared with “Douyin” or other platforms, although the daily active users of other platforms are much higher than Xiaohongshu, as long as the content is good, Xiaohongshu will be a high-quality, high-conversion platform worth choosing. No matter you are an ordinary user or a blogger, the main thing is that the content you share is liked and recognized by users. Make it either interesting or useful, especially content that is both interesting and useful. As long as you insist on outputting good content, even if you don’t have a lot of fans and traffic, you can achieve small results by slowly accumulating it.

3. High aesthetics

Compared with other platforms of the same type, the overall presentation of content on Xiaohongshu is characterized by aesthetics and good looks. Similarly, compared with the overall quality of videos on other platforms, both photos and videos on Xiaohongshu have a higher visual aesthetic. . Even if it is the same funny pet category, it will relatively have higher pixels in editing and visual presentation, sound effects, cover production, etc. than video accounts.

In the past, most users liked to buy clothing products on Taobao, Alibaba, and other platforms. However, fakes are prevalent on Taobao, and there are also some unscrupulous merchants who buy fake products and buy good reviews for their own products. As a result, people’s first thought when mentioning Taobao was that they should never buy big-name products on Taobao, as 80% of them are fakes.But in Xiaohongshu, this situation is relatively rare, because buyers will unbox and try on the products after receiving them and publish posts to share to ensure the authenticity of the products.Last year, some Xiaohongshu brand users found that their accounts had been restricted by the platform due to suspicion of “false propaganda and marketing.” Because they were suspected of defrauding users by purchasing too many “online trolls”, Xiaohongshu officials knew about this matter and quickly got involved and sued to stop this behavior. This gave users a great sense of security and more trust in Xiaohongshu. Red Book is a platform.

This video will help you better understand how to become a Xiaohongshu blogger.

How I Got My First 1,000 Followers on Xiaohongshu by Tait Lawton,YouTube

·How to become a Xiaohongshu blogger

The first step is to find your position. On Xiaohongshu, whether it’s beauty, fashion, travel or life records, there are endless opportunities. But to stand out in this massive platform, you need to find what’s special about you. Find your areas of expertise, explore your own characteristics, and establish a personal brand image. This will be the first step to your success.

The second step is to create content with depth. No longer satisfied with simple punch-in records, we must have unique insights and perspectives. Discover valuable content and present it to your audience in a creative way. Integrate your unique perspective into your work to arouse readers’ resonance and thinking.

The third step is to actively interact and share. In the ordinary Xiaohongshu community, it is very important to actively interact with readers. Reply to comments, answer questions, participate in topic discussions, and establish a good interactive relationship with users. In addition, be good at using social media and other channels to share your work, expand your influence, and attract more attention and support.

Finally, persevere, keep learning and improving. On Xiaohongshu, a highly competitive platform, success does not come instantly. Maintain enthusiasm and patience for content creation, and continue to learn and explore new creative methods.

Reference list

Reference list

Rocco.(2019.9.24) Xiaohongshu (Red Book): introduction


Pearl Zhu.(2022.8.11)How does XIAOHONGSHU work and why is it so popular?https://focus.cbbc.org/how-does-xiaohongshu-work/

Yongqin Zhan.(2013.10.7)The “little oasis” that disappeared in the Little Red Book


3245fdcxweer.(2023.9.25)The secret to success in Xiaohongshu marketing promotion


ManLang.(2023.5.3)The secret to success in Xiaohongshu operations
