Exploring the importance of improving the digital literacy and media literacy of Internet users in order to help people better discern misinformation and recognize and resist malicious speech.
- Explain the concepts of digital literacy and media literacy, including the key skills and knowledge areas they cover.
- Discuss the potential impact of misinformation and malicious speech on individuals and society, including misleading, division, and social disharmony.
- Discuss the importance of digital literacy and the importance of media literacy
- Ways to improve digital literacy and media literacy
“ARIDA dissemination workshop” by UNICEF Ethiopia is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Eg. The United Nations General Assembly expressed concern about the spread of disinformation and welcomed the Secretary-General’s report describing the challenge of disinformation, the international legal framework, and responses by countries and technology companies.
Countering Disinformation | United Nations. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2023, from https://www.un.org/en/countering-disinformation?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9rSoBhCiARIsAFOiplkeWikNtgpIRzHgaBAPgFjWte0g1uEGHp7nNDAN1DPnkj6UZ8heICQaAnduEALw_wcB
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