By En-Chi (Angel) Hsiao, Linxi Miao, Peiyi Ou
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the use of of technology to harrass, threaten, embarrass or target other person by using negative, harmful or mean content about someone else. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms, etc.
How does Cyberbullying start and form?
Cyberbullying can take place via chat rooms, e-mail, instant chats, blogs, social networking sites, and texting. The majority of cyberbullying is verbal and emotional. This can include spreading rumours, texting personal information, or posting on social media. When it comes to cyberbullying, people are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration. Sometimes they do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands. The world we live in is really judgmental and people tend to criticize others online behind the screens to make themselves feel better.
Instagram is a social media for sharing images, photos and videos. Having many active users
from all walks of life, beginning from general users, artists, public figures to senior officials make
Instagram becoming as the number one most popular social media based on photo in the world. In
addition, to sharing submissions, Instagram users can also give likes and comments to other users’
posts. However, the comment feature is often misused, for example used for cyberbullying. But until now, Instagram still does not provide a feature to detect cyberbullying.