By Mingjing Yuan, Yanyi Pan, Siyang Xiong & Shuhan Zou

“Uber App” by ajay_suresh is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Uber technology has transformed the urban transport landscape, with shared mobility service companies offering innovative and cheaper transport options by reducing the marginal cost of service provision. These platforms are dynamically evolving, offering a variety of services to meet different needs. With sustainability as one of the biggest challenges of our time, the concept of sharing effectively improves the efficiency of resource usage and thus increases the positive impact of sustainability. will not only affect the supply side but also the demand side. With the rise of the sharing economy there may be a change in the way people view purchasing vehicles and the way people commute from outlying areas of New York City. Considering both the supply and demand side simultaneously can provide a more comprehensive socioeconomic impact of the sharing economy. The sharing economy and the existing economy complement each other’s strengths through good-faith competition, creating positive value for society. The sharing economy can revitalize existing businesses and increase their productivity, but raising the barriers to entry into the sharing economy by developing a regulatory regime is not the solution; the sharing economy can transform the existing market in a welfare-enhancing way. List
Chang, S. E., Chang, E. C., & Chen, Y. (2022). Blockchain Meets Sharing Economy: A Case of Smart Contract Enabled Ridesharing Service. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 14(21), 13732–.
Kim, K., Baek, C., & Lee, J.-D. (2018). Creative destruction of the sharing economy in action: The case of Uber. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 110, 118–127.
PolyMatter. (2018, July 13). The Economics of Uber. YouTube.

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